3 components and accessories – Bio-Rad High-Throughput Dodeca™ Gel Stainers User Manual

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2.3 Components and Accessories

The Dodeca Stainer components can be separated into two categories,

mechanical and electrical components.

2.3.1 Mechanical Components

Staining Trays
There are thirteen (13) stackable, staining
trays that hold the gels during the staining
process. The "UP" label is used to properly
orient the gels on the trays and align the
trays while stacking. Twelve of the thirteen
trays are clear to observe the gel motion
during staining. One staining tray is white to
hold the top gel to monitor the final
development, which is especially important
for silver staining. The staining trays are
also used to transport the stained gels
throughout the laboratory.

Tray Attachments
The tray attachments are narrow strips of
plastic that connect to the staining trays.
They confine the gel to an appropriate area
of the tray, according to its size, to prevent
excessive movement and breakage. See
Tables 1A and 1B (pages 2 and 3,
respectively) for details and illustrations of
when to use the tray attachments.

Shaking Rack
The shaking rack holds up to 13 stacked
staining trays. The "UP" label on the bottom
of the shaking rack aligns with the "UP" label
on the staining trays. The trays are securely
held in place via a restraining bar. The
restraining bar is lowered and locked to hold
the staining trays in position during the
staining process. The shaking rack holds the
trays at a slight angle to improve reagent
flow and remove air bubbles. The shaking
rack is suspended in the tank via the
stainless steel wheels (bearings). The metal
wheels are placed inside a track (channel) on one side in the solution tank. This
allows the shaking rack to gently glide side to side when the shaker is turned on.
The shaking rack also has built-in handles for placing it in and out of the solution


Fig. 2.3.1 A. Staining trays stacked
with the maximum number (13).

Fig. 2.3.1 B. Close-up of a Criterion
tray attachment on a small staining


Development Tray

Staining Trays

"UP" label
(in the corner)

Criterion Tray


Metal Wheels



"UP" label
(on the bottom)

Fig. 2.3.1 C. Shaking rack holding a
stack of staining trays.