Life science group, Bio-rad laboratories – Bio-Rad Criterion Dodeca Cell User Manual

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Life Science

Website Bio-Rad Laboratories Main Office 2000 Alfred Nobel Drive, Hercules, CA 94547, Ph. (510) 741-1000, Fx. (510)741-5800
Also in: Australia Ph. 02 9914 2800, Fx. 02 9914 2889 Austria Ph. (01) 877 89 01, Fx. (01) 876 56 29 Belgium Ph. 09-385 55 11, Fx. 09-385 65 54
Canada Ph. (905) 712-2771, Fx. (905) 712-2990 China Ph. 86-10-62051850/51, Fx. 86-10-62051876 Denmark Ph. 45 39 17 99 47, Fx. 45 39 27 16 98
Finland Ph. 358 (0)9 804 2200, Fx. 358 (0)9 804 1100 France Ph. 01 43 90 46 90, Fx. 01 46 71 24 67 Germany Ph. 089 318 84-0, Fx. 089 318 84-100
Hong Kong Ph. 852-2789-3300, Fx. 852-2789-1257 India Ph. (91-11) 461-0103, Fx. (91-11) 461-0765 Israel Ph. 03 951 4127, Fx. 03 951 4129
Italy Ph. 39-02-216091, Fx.39-02-21609-399 Japan Ph. 03-5811-6270, Fx. 03-5811-6272 Korea Ph. 82-2-3473-4460, Fx. 82-2-3472-7003
Latin America Ph. 305-894-5950, Fx. 305-894-5960 Mexico Ph. 514-2210, Fx. 514-2209 The Netherlands Ph. 0318-540666, Fx. 0318-542216
New Zealand Ph. 64-9-4152280, Fx. 64-9-4152284 Norway Ph. 22-74-18-70, Fx. 22-74-18-71 Russia Ph. 7 095 979 98 00, Fx. 7 095 979 98 56
Singapore Ph. 65-2729877, Fx. 65-2734835 Spain Ph. 34-91-661-7085, Fx. 34-91-661-9698 Sweden Ph. 46 (0)8-55 51 27 00, Fx. 46 (0)8-55 51 27 80
Switzerland Ph. 01-809 55 55, Fx. 01-809 55 00 United Kingdom Ph. 0800-181134, Fx. 01442-259118



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