Aphex USB 500 Rack User Manual

Page 3

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Below in the mixer window is the Master Fader. Click on the I/O button just above
the fader. 500 RACK Headphone L and R should come up as the default output.
If not, you can delete what has come up as default and select 500 RACK
Headphone L and R if using headphones or Analog L and R if using speakers. If
using speakers, be careful of feedback with your microphone during this setup

Exit the Outputs for Master Track screen.

Click on the Speaker icon of Track 1 in the mixer section to monitor the

Click the red circle (Track Arm) on Track 1.

You should now see signal on the input and output meters and hear yourself in
the USB 500 RACK headphones.

PreSonus Studio One

Create a New Song.

Under Styles, select Empty Song.

Click OK.

Click Studio One-Options. Then select Audio Setup.

Click the Audio Device drop down list and select Aphex ASIO.

Click OK.

Go to Song-Song Setup and click the Audio I/O setup tab.

Click the Outputs tab.

Select Headphone L & R for Main outputs if using headphones or Analog L & R if
using speakers. If using speakers, be careful of feedback with your microphone
during this setup check.

Click Apply and click OK.

(NOTE: This only activates the inputs and outputs used in this Quick Start. To
gain access to all 6 inputs and 10 outputs, consult your Studio One manual.)

Click Track-Add Audio Track (mono).

Click on the Speaker icon to monitor the recording.

Click the red circle (Track Arm) on your track.