Chapter 2: basic system connections – ClearOne NS-IPD-100 User Manual

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Chapter 2: Basic System Connections 2

CHaPtER 2: BasIC systEM ConnECtIons

Use the diagram below to configure a basic system integration.

> notE: Cat5e cable run between the netstreams aP500 and the EIM Port on the host device

(netstreams tla250 in above diagram) should not exceed 60’ in length.
Cat5e cable runs back to the switch (netstreams sW1124 in above diagram) should not
exceed 300’ in length due to 10/100Based-t lan limitations.

the distance between the ns-IPD-100 Docking station and the netstreams aP500 should not
exceed 20’.

the synch button is active but the video and IR Ports are not active on the ns-IPD-100.

the devices in the above diagram are for reference only and are not included with the ns-
IPD-100 unit.