Exide Technologies GB4128 User Manual
Page 12
Ferro Magnetics Corporation, St. Louis, MO
If battery volt age is below 1.6 volt s per cell the charger will not start automatically. If this i s due to an
overly discha rged battery of the corre ct volt age, t he F3 fault can be manu ally overrid den by pre ssing
POWER ON while the F3 Fault message (Low Battery) displays.
The user can view many different parameters associated with a charge. By pressing an appropriate key,
information such as charger run time or amp-hours returned can be viewed. The display will time out after
about 7 seconds and return to the default display which is usually amps. DISPLAY SOFTWARE VERSION
To display the sof tware version number press ‘ 5’. The display will show ‘ UEr’ followed by the sof tware
version number (e.g. 4.00). Note: The letter V is displayed as ’U’. DISPLAY CHARGING CURRENT
In most a pplications charging current is no rmally displayed. If chargi ng current is not al ready bei ng
displayed, p ress ‘ D.C. AMPS’ to view . The DATA di splay sh ows cha rging cu rrent in am ps. The UNITS
display shows ‘A ‘ for amperes. DISPLAY VOLTS PER CELL
To view the a verage volts per cell, press ‘VOLTS CELL’. The DATA display shows the volts per cell and
the UNITS d isplay sh ows ‘VC’ fo r vol ts p er cell. If the charge ha s fini shed an d the b attery is stil l
connected, the en d volt s per cell is displayed. Repeatedly pressing th e ‘ VOLT CELL’ key will toggl e
between volts per cell and full battery voltage. DISPLAY FULL BATTERY VOLTAGE
To view battery volt age, press ‘VOLTS CELL’ twice. The DATA display shows the full battery volt age and
the UNITS display shows ‘V’ for volts. If the charge has finished, the end full battery voltage is displayed.
Repeatedly pressing the ‘VOLT CELL’ key will toggle between volts per cell and full battery voltage. DISPLAY AMP-HOURS
To view amp-hours returned to the batte ry, press ‘AH’S RT’ND’. The DATA display shows the amp-hours
returned to the battery so far during the current charge. The UNITS display shows ‘AH’. DISPLAY TOTAL CHARGER AMP-HOURS (V4.02 OR HIGHER)
To view the tot al accumulated amp-hours supplied by the charger, press ‘AH’S RT’ND’ twice. The DATA
display shows the total amp-hours accumulated by the charger since the control was installed in 2 steps.
The u pper 4 digit s a re displayed with the ri ght d ecimal point li t, followed b y the lo wer 4 digit s. F or
example, a display of ‘ 1234.’ follo wed by ‘ 5678’ would in dicate a to tal amp-hours accumulated of
12,345,678 Ah. The UNITS display shows ‘AH’. DISPLAY TIME-OF-DAY START TIME
To view the t ime-of-day start time, press ‘ST ART TIME’. The DATA display shows the time -of-day start
time in hours and minutes, and the UNITS display shows ‘HM’ for hours and minutes format. The time-of-
day is in 24-hour format. Thus a start time of 4:30PM would be displ ayed as ‘ 16.30’. If the time-of -day
start is not active, the display shows ’99.99’. DISPLAY CHARGER RUN TIME
To view ch arger run time so far, press ‘RUN TIME’. The DATA display shows the run time i n hours and
minutes and the UNITS display shows ‘HM’ for hours and minutes format. DISPLAY CHARGER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER
Chargers that are part of the TOBi® Battery Management System have a unique identifying number. To
view this ‘ID’ number, press ‘CHGR. ID’. The DATA display shows the charger ID number. If no number is
set, the DATA display shows ‘9999’. UNITS display is blank.