Installation of bushings, Pump assembly, Carbon graphite – Viking Pump TSM635.2: K-LS Universal Mag Drive User Manual

Page 7: Danger, Caution

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The canister bushing requires a special fixture for proper

assembly so the bushing is only sold as part of the canister

If attempting to install the carbon graphite idler or adaptor

plate bushings, extreme care must be taken to prevent

breaking. Carbon graphite is a brittle material and easily

cracked. If cracked, the bushing will quickly disintegrate.

Using a lubricant on the bushing and mating part will help

facilitate installation.

3. Screw the end cap into the bracket (clockwise) until it

contacts. Do not over-tighten the end cap.

4. Inspect the outer magnet to make sure it has not picked

up any foreign particles, which could damage the pump.

Slide the inner roller bearing onto the shaft, followed by

the inner bearing spacer.

5. Slide the outer magnet assembly into the bracket. Slide

the outer roller bearing onto the shaft. Slide the outer

bearing spacer collar onto the shaft and into the outer

lipseal, followed by the lockwasher and locknut.

6. Tighten the locknut to 120-140 ft-lbs of torque and then

bend over the appropriate lockwasher tab.

7. Unscrew the end cap (counterclockwise) by hand until

there is considerable drag on the bearings. Mark the end

cap and bracket in the same spot. Then screw in the end

cap (clockwise) 5/16”, radially from the mark. Tighten the

end cap setscrews.

8. Grease the bracket using the bracket fitting with NLGI #2

grease. Make sure the shaft freely rotates by hand.








.245 6.223

.242 6.147

1. If the adaptor plate O-ring needs to be replaced, apply a

lubricant to the O-ring and place it onto the casing side

of the plate adaptor. If the O-ring is PTFE (derivative)

encapsulated, follow these special instructions.
Do not attempt to reuse this type of O-ring if it has been

removed. Immerse a new O-ring in boiling water for a

few minutes. Remove it from the water and stretch out

the O-ring. This ensures it will fit into the plate or groove

without forcing the O-ring over a sharp edge. Run hot

water over the O-ring until it shrinks down tight. Hot water

makes the PTFE pliable and allows the inner elastomer

to pull the PTFE back to the original size. Dry it with

compressed air.

2. Position the adaptor plate so the adaptor plate groove

aligns to groove in the casing bore at Port B, see


11 on page 8 (The adaptor plate in the K & KK models

have a single groove, the L-LS models have a groove and

two machined relief pockets.) Carefully slide the plate


Follow these directions exactly to avoid injury

to self or damage to the pumping unit. Be

careful to keep the inner and outer magnets at

least (1) foot apart until step 14. Do not engage

the magnets in any other fashion.


Do not place fingers onto the front of pump

mounting flange. Align the canister into bore

of the bracket and gently slide it in. When the

magnets start to engage, the unit will finish

engagement on its own very rapidly unless the

1/2” x 5” capscrew is properly used. Make sure

fingers are not on the front of the pump. See

Sequence in Figure 13.



Be certain that the driving means (motor, tur-

bine, engine, etc.) has been “locked out” or

made non-operational so that it cannot be

started while work is being done on pump.

The groove in the ID of the bushing should line up with the

groove in the adaptor plate.

Figure 10 shows the proper

position of the adaptor plate bushing after installation. This

may require a special fixture to ensure proper positioning.

Improper location may result in a pump with excessive slip,

pre-mature wear or requiring a large number of shims. The

additional precautions listed below must be followed for

1. An arbor press must be used for the installation.
2. Be certain the bushing is started straight.

3. Do not stop the pressing operation until the bushing is in

the proper position; starting and stopping will result in a

cracked bushing.

4. After installation, check the bushing for cracks.

Use a suitable lubricant compatible with the fluid being

handled when reassembling the pump.
Inspect all parts, especially drilled holes in the casing (for

draining) to make sure they are not plugged. Replace any

worn parts, remove any burrs and clean all parts before

assembling the pump.