Assembly – Viking Pump TSM212: H-LL 724/4724 User Manual

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fIgURE 5

6. Loosen the radial set screws in the bearing housing

flange that locks the end cap in place and using a spanner

wrench, remove the end cap, lipseal and bearing spacer


7. Remove the 2-row ball bearing and inner spacer collar

from bearing housing, wash and inspect bearing for wear

or damage and replace, if necessary.

8. Loosen two axial set screws in bearing housing flange

and remove housing from bracket. Examine lipseals in

end cap and bearing housing and replace with lips facing

as shown in

figure 5 if not in first class condition.

9. On 4724 series pumps, inspect the lipseal in the casing

and replace if necessary. This lipseal must be removed

if replacement of the casing bushing is necessary. See

Step 12.

10. If it is deemed necessary to replace bracket bushing

and/or repack series 724 pumps, remove packing gland

nuts, old packing and lantern ring and packing retainer

washer. See Step 12.

11. Examine casing for excessive wear and replace if


12. The casing bushing should be inspected for wear

and replaced if necessary. See Steps 9 and 10. If it is

necessary to install a new carbon graphite bushing,

extreme care should be taken to prevent breaking, as it

is a brittle material and easily cracked. If cracked these

bushings will quickly disintegrate. An arbor press should

always be used in installing carbon graphite bushings.

Be sure the bushing is started straight.


NOT STOP the pressing operation until the bushing is

in proper position. Starting and stopping this operation

may result in a bushing crack. Check bushings for

cracks after installation. Carbon graphite bushings with

extra interference fits are frequently furnished for high

temperature operation. Consult Factory. For additional

information on high temperature applications, see

Engineering Service Bulletin ESB-3.

13. Mechanical Seal (Series 4724): If the mechanical seal

in your pump ever fails, it can be easily replaced with a

new seal. There are two basic parts to this seal. They

are the rotary member and stationary seat

(See figure

4). Loosen the set screws holding the rotary member on

the shaft. Remove the rotary member from the shaft and

the stationary seal seat from the casing. The principle

of the mechanical seal is the contact between the rotary

and stationary members. These parts are lapped to a

high finish and their sealing effectiveness depends upon

complete contact.

1. Installing new seal (Series 4724): The seal is simple to

install and good performance will result if care is taken

during installation.

(See figure 4) for parts identification.

NOTE: Never touch the sealing faces with anything

except the fingers or a clean cloth. Clean the rotor hub

and casing seal housing, making sure both are free from

dirt and grit. Coat the outside diameter of the seal seat

and the inside diameter of the seal housing bore with

light oil. Start the seal seat in the seal counterbore. Be

sure the seat anchor pins are aligned so as to engage

the slots in the end of the casing bushing as in

figure 6.

Using a cardboard cushion to protect the lapped face of

the seal seat, tap the seat assembly to the bottom of the

seal counterbore with a wooden ram and a light hammer.

(Factory installation is accomplished with a special

arbor. It has a major diameter which covers the entire

seat face and has an extension through the seat which

pilots in the casing bushing). Place the tapered sleeve

(furnished with replacement seals, H-LL sizes) on shaft

as in

figure 7. Coat the inside of the rotary member and

the outside of the tapered sleeve with the light oil. Place

rotary member on the shaft, over the sleeve and against

the hub of the rotor.

(See figure 8).

Remove the Tapered sleeve. Tighten the setscrew(s) in

the rotary member. Some seals may be equipped with

installation clips. These must be removed after seal is

placed on the proper diameter portion of the shaft.

Flush the sealing faces of both the rotary member and

stationary member with oil just before installing rotor and
