Tweco ArcMaster 401MST User Manual
Page 4

SECTION 1: SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ............................................... 1-1
General Safety Information for Victor Regulator ............................................... 1-5
Precautions De Securite En Soudage A L’arc .................................................. 1-9
SECTION 3: INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND SETUP ................................................ 3-1
Mains Supply Voltage Requirements .............................................................. 3-1
ArcMaster 401MST Power Source Controls, Indicators and Features ............. 3-6
Setup for LIFT TIG (GTAW) Welding ............................................................. 3-14
Setup for STICK (SMAW) Welding ................................................................ 3-16
Setup for MIG (GMAW) Welding with Gas Shielded MIG Wire ..................... 3-18
Setup for FCAW Flux Core Arc Welding ......................................................... 3-20
Shielding Gas Flowmeter/ Regulator Operating Instructions ......................... 3-23