Tweco FP-35A User Manual
Page 18

Manual 0-4681
D. Torch will not pilot when torch switch is activated.
1. Gas pressure too high or too low.
a. Adjust gas pressure per pressure setting label
on power supply.
It is possible to have enough air pressure to operate
the power supply but not enough air flow to operate
the torch.
2. Torch tip, start cartridge, or electrode missing.
a. Turn off power supply. Remove shield cup. In-
stall missing parts.
3. Start cartridge is stuck.
a. Turn off power supply. Remove shield cup, tip,
and start cartridge. Check lower end fitting on
start cartridge for free movement. Replace car-
tridge if lower end fitting does not move freely.
Lower End Fitting
Start Cartridge
Art # A-03621
4. Worn or faulty torch parts
a. Inspect torch consumable parts. Replace if nec-
5. Thermal Switch activated
a. Allow the cooling fan to run for 2 minutes or
longer until it will resume operation.
When operating the torch in a normal condition, a
small amount of gas / air vents through the gap be-
tween the shield cup and torch handle. Do not at-
tempt to over tighten the shield cup as irreparable
damage to internal components may result.
Art # A-04503
Air will flow from gap
next to shield cup.
E. Cut performance is diminished.
1. Worn torch parts.
a. Check current setting. Check the Electrode and
Tip for excess wear.
Worn Electrode
New Electrode
Art # A-03284
Good Tip
Worn Tip
b. Check that the lower end fitting on the start car-
tridge moves freely. Replace any or all parts as
Lower End Fitting
Start Cartridge
Art # A-03621