Time code hold off – Sound Devices 744T User Manual
Page 37

Record Run
The time code generator runs only when the 744T is recording. Time code in this mode defaults to
00:00:00:00 at power-up. When switching to record run from another mode, the internal generator
will stop at the last number generated. A user-defined value can be jammed into the internal genera-
tor from the jam menu.
Free Run Jam Once
The onboard time code generator will re-jam from external time code whenever a valid, running
time code signal is connected to the TC input. Similar to free run mode, the generator runs continu-
ously without regard to record mode. For a jam to occur, the time code signal must be disconnected
and re-connected to the time code input. Free run Jam Once is useful when using the recorder as a
slave, although one of the External TC modes may be more appropriate for slaved operation.
24 Hour Run
Identical to free run with the exception that the generator will automatically jam itself from the
time-of-day clock on power-up. The generator will also re-jam if the time-of-day clock is reset. Once
jammed, the generator will run continuously from the time code clock, not the time-of-day clock.
Ext TC
The internal time code generator follows an external time code signal appearing at the time code
input. In all of the external time code modes the time code value set on the 744T appears as the re-
corded file’s time code rate value.
Ext TC/cont
The internal time code generator follows an external time code signal appearing at the time code in-
put. If the external time code is removed the internal generator continues to run to preserve continu-
ous time code. Useful for time code transmission over RF where RF “hits” may interrupt time code.
Ext TC-Auto Record
The internal time code generator follows the external time code signal appearing at the time code
input. When external code advances, the 744T enters record mode automatically. When the external
code is stopped, the 744T generator pauses and recording is stopped. This is appropriate when dual-
system sound is used with video cameras set for Rec Run time code. The video camera will function
as master time code and the recorder “transport” will follow the video camera transport.
Ext TC/cont-Auto Record
The internal time code generator follows the external time code signal appearing at the time code
input. When external code advances, the 744T enters record mode automatically. When the external
code is stopped, the 744T generator pauses and recording is stopped. If the external time code is
removed the internal generator continues to run to preserve continuous time code. Useful for time
code transmission over RF where RF “hits” may interrupt time code. This is appropriate when dual-
system sound is used with video cameras set for Rec Run time code. The video camera will function
as master time code and the recorder will follow.
Time Code Hold Off
In the industry there are a wide variety of time code generators. Time code streams are standard
from device to device; however, the start and stop sequence of the time code stream can dif-
fer. Because of this, the 744T recorders are susceptible to generating unintentional takes when
Time Code Hold Off is designed to eliminate unintentional takes from occurring. The user can de-
termine a duration in which a valid external time code signal has to be detected before the recorder
generates a new take. The value of Time Code Hold Off needed is dependent on the start and stop
sequence of the master time code source.