RCBS Pro 2000 Progressive Reloading Press User Manual

Page 10

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Photo H

Connect the Powder Measure
Linkage and tighten the Thumb
Screw. See photo I.

Photo I

Do not install the return spring. Insert
case in Station 3 and raise ram.
Adjust powder dump in relation to
case height by threading the powder
measure assembly down on the case
until a full stroke of the powder
measure is achieved. NOTE: Full
stroke is within 1/16" to barely
touching the top of the slot in the
Uniflow Powder Measure casting. See
photo J
. This allows the powder die to
turn one full turn to orient the powder
measure to a convenient position.

Photo J

Should the Powder die hit the Shell
Plate before the powder measure

stroke is achieved, back off the
Powder die nine turns and install the
spacer on top of the powder bushing.
Thread the Powder die down until full
stroke on the powder measure is
Lower the ram and attach the Return
spring. See photo K.

Photo K

Tighten the 7/8-14" lock ring on the
Powder die. Powder Measure
installation is complete.

To remove the Powder Measure from
the Press, simply remove the Thumb
Screw and Return Spring, then, lift off
the Uniflow Powder Measure
Assembly. NOTE: Check Thumb
Screw for tightness during the loading

Helpful Tip: When using some
extruded (long grain) or large flake
powder, bridging can occur.
This happens when the powder jams
(bridges) together and stops the flow
of powder. This is caused by the
powder dumping too quickly from the
powder measure cylinder into the
drop tube.
To eliminate this possible problem,
the handloader can slow down the
press handle swing, which slows the
cylinder rotation and pours the
powder from the powder measure
cylinder. Otherwise, a fast dump may
cause the powder to bridge in the
powder bushing. To prevent bridging,
slow down the press handle swing
halfway through its stroke.
NOTE: This problem exists only with
some long grain extruded
or large
flake powders.