Bosch HBC86K7.0 User Manual
Page 36

Whole fish, fresh: Add 1 to 3 tablespoons of water or
lemon juice.
Fillet of fish, fresh: Add 1 to 3 tablespoons of water or
lemon juice.
Breaded squid rings, deepĆfrozen: They must be
suitable for cooking in the oven.
Place the chicken in the dish breastĆside down.
Place chicken pieces in the dish skinĆside down.
Cook the turkey breast without the skin. Add
100Ć150 ml liquid to the turkey breast. Add another
50Ć100 ml liquid after turning if necessary.
Cook sirloin fattyĆside down first.
Beef joint, roast veal, leg of lamb and roast pork: The
roast should cover two thirds of the dish base. Add
50 ml liquid to the roast. Add another 50Ć100 ml liquid
after turning if necessary.
Add 50Ć100 ml liquid to the meat loaf.
Place the meal in microwaveable ovenware on the
wire rack in shelf position 1.
Chips, croquettes and fried potatoes must be suitable
for preparation in the oven.
Spring rolls and mini spring rolls must be suitable for
preparation in the oven. Pretzels can be put in the
oven without being defrosted beforehand.
Use preĆcooked, deepĆfrozen pizza and pizza
Some dishes need some cooling down time in the
oven after the program has ended.
Standing time
approx. 5 minutes
approx. 5 minutes.
Strain the remaining water.
Cereal products
5 10 minutes
Bake, deepĆfrozen
Potato products,
Snacks, deepĆfrozen
Pizza, deepĆfrozen
Standing time