M-gage, S18m, Vehicle detection sensor – Banner M-GAGE S18M Series Vehicle Detection Series User Manual

Page 2: Overview, Warning

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S18M —

Vehicle Detection Sensor


P/N 114430 rev. C

Banner Engineering Corp.

Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. • Tel: 763.544.3164

Banner Engineering Corp.

Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. • Tel: 763.544.3164

Banner Engineering Corp.

Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. • Tel: 763.544.3164


The M-GAGE S18M sensor implements a passive sensing technology to detect large

ferrous objects. The sensor measures the change in the Earth’s natural magnetic field

(the ambient magnetic field) caused by the introduction of a ferromagnetic object.
This easy-to-use sensor is extremely robust and is unaffected by dirt and moisture,

making it ideal for demanding outdoor environments. Simple programming

procedures provide flexibility for a variety of applications (see page 5).

Theory of Operation

The sensor uses three mutually perpendicular magnetoresistive transducers. Each

transducer detects magnetic field changes along one axis. By incorporating three

sensing elements, maximum sensor sensitivity is achieved.
A ferrous object will alter the local (ambient) magnetic field surrounding the object, as

shown in Figure 1. The magnitude of this magnetic field change is dependent both on

the object (its size, shape, orientation, and composition) and on the ambient magnetic

field (its strength and orientation).
During a simple programming procedure, the S18M sensor measures the ambient

magnetic field. When a large ferrous object (for example, a truck, automobile, or

rail car) alters that magnetic field, the sensor detects the magnetic field changes

(anomalies). When the degree of magnetic field change reaches the sensor’s

threshold, the sensor’s discrete outputs switch.

Sensor Field of View and Range

The sensor range depends on three variables:
1. The local magnetic environment (including nearby ferrous material)
2. The magnetic properties of the object to be sensed
3. Sensor settings
The S18M can detect changes in the ambient magnetic field in all directions. As with

other sensors, the range will depend on the target. The strong disturbance of a large

ferrous object decreases as distance from the sensor increases, and the magnitude

and shape of the disturbance is dependent on the object’s shape and content.
The sensor can be programmed to react to magnetic field disturbances of greater or

lesser intensity, using two adjustments: background condition and sensitivity level.
Once background condition and sensitivity level are set, and both settings are stored

in non-volatile memory, the sensor is ready to detect the target object.

Figure 1. Magnetic detection overview

A. Baseline magnetic field, with slight

disturbances caused by permanent

ferrous-metal objects within or near

the sensor, then . . .

B. After a large steel target object is


The sensor detects the differential

(magnetic strength and orientation)

between fields A and B. If the

differential is greater than the

sensitivity threshold, the sensor’s

outputs conduct.


Appropriate Use

The mechanical opening, braking, and reversing systems of the door will not respond in sufficient time to prevent moving

trucks, cars, or material handling vehicles, even those traveling at low speeds, from coming in contact with the door. In

addition, the detection zone of the product may fluctuate due to changes in the local magnetic environment. All vehicles should

approach doors at speeds that allow the operator to ensure the door is operating properly and in an open position. Failure to follow these

procedures may result in serious injury or death.