Banner U-GAGE Sonic OMNI-BEAM Ultrasonic Sensors User Manual
Omni-beam, Sonic, Piezoelectric ultrasonic proximity sensors

Printed in USA
Short-range ultrasonic proximity detection from 4 to 26 inches
True windowing, with reliable near-limit cutoff; both position and size
of the sensing window are quickly and easily adjusted
Exclusive moving-dot LED indicator for visual display of relative
target position within the sensing window
Relay output models are programmable for either ON/OFF presence
detection or HIGH/LOW level control
Analog output models source 0 to +10V dc, positive or negative slope,
between the limits of the sensing window
Relay output models allow adjustment of sensor response to specific
target characterisitics to reduce false signals and nuisance signal loss
Piezoelectric transducer is protected from hostile environments by
polyimide film seal; sensors are fully-gasketed
Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors
Switched or
Analog output
Sensor Block
Banner's Sonic OMNI-BEAM™ piezoelectric ultrasonic proximity sensors detect targets
within an adjustable sensing "window" (see diagram, below). These sensors feature true
windowing, with reliable near-limit cutoff. Both the location and size of the window are
easily adjusted within the sensor's 4 to 26-inch range. A Sonic OMNI-BEAM sensor
consists of a sensor block module and a power block module. All models use the model
OSBUSR sensor block module. A compatible power block is chosen on the basis of
operating voltage and output type. Power block modules are available either with a form
"C" SPDT electromechanical output relay or with solid-state analog voltage sourcing
outputs. Models are listed on page 3.
A ten-element array of LED indicators, built into the top of the OSBUSR sensor block
module, visually displays the relative position of a target within the sensing window. This
moving-dot target position indicator makes initial setup fast and easy, and provides a
continuous visual display of sensor performance. Sensor operating status is fully displayed
by separate LED indicators for TARGET PRESENT (anywhere within the 4 to 26-inch
sensing range) and LOAD (electromechanical output relay) energized.
Relay output power block modules may be programmed for either of two control modes.
In the ON/OFF control mode, the output relay is energized whenever a target object is
detected within the sensing window. The second control mode, the HIGH/LOW mode,
provides the switching logic required for fill-level or web tensioning (loop) control. In the
HIGH/LOW mode, the output relay is energized when the target moves beyond the far limit
of the sensing window, but does
not de-energize until the target
reaches the near limit. The
relay energizes again when the
target passes the far limit. Op-
erating mode selection is done
via a switch inside the model
OSBUSR sensor head. When a
relay-output power block is used,
the 10-element LED display in-
dicates the relative position of
a target within the sensing win-
These ultrasonic presence sensors do NOT include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow their use
in personnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can result in either an energized or a de-energized sensor output
Never use these products as sensing devices for personnel protection. Their use as safety devices may create an unsafe condition which
could lead to serious injury or death.
Only MACHINE-GUARD and PERIMETER-GUARD Systems, and other systems so designated, are designed to meet OSHA and ANSI machine safety
standards for point-of-operation guarding devices. No other Banner sensors or controls are designed to meet these standards, and they must NOT be
used as sensing devices for personnel protection.
Sensing Window Concept
Analog voltage sourcing power block modules
have two separate voltage sourcing solid-state out-
puts: 0 to +10V dc and +10 to 0V dc. Maximum load
current is 10 mA per output. Outputs of dc-operated
models are useable simultaneously (see specs).
Output voltage is proportional to the distance from
the sensor face to a target object detected within the
sensing window. This relationship between target
distance and analog voltage output may be either
positive or negative, depending upon which of the
power block outputs is used. When using the "nega-
tively sloped" output, power block output is +10V dc
at the near window limit and decreases to 0V dc at the
far limit. The "positively sloped" output increases
from 0V dc at the near limit to +10V dc at the far
window limit. When an analog power block is used,
the 10-element LED display indicates the relative
position of a target object within the sensing window
and the approximate power block output voltage.
When a relay output power block is used, sensor
response is programmable by selecting the number
of consecutive sensing cycles that are required to
verify the presence (or absence) of a target before the
sensor's output is allowed to change state. The
sensor may be programmed to "wait" 1, 3, 10, or 30
consecutive sensing cycles. This useful feature may
be used to "smooth" sensor response by preventing
false response to nuisance signals or to intermittent
signal loss. The sensor can also be adjusted for faster
response (shorter "wait") when required. Sensor
response programming is done via easily-accessible
DIP switches located inside the base of the sensor
head. The response time programming feature is not
operative when an analog power block is used.
P/N 03536D4B
OPB Series
Power Block