Banner Q85 Series User Manual

Banner Sensors

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Printed in USA

Opto-isolated solid-state SPST output with optional timing logic

P/N 35613


These photoelectric presence sensors do NOT include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow their use in personnel safety

applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can result in either an energized or a de-energized sensor output condition.

Never use these products as sensing devices for personnel protection. Their use as safety devices may create an unsafe condition which could lead to

serious injury or death. Only MACHINE-GUARD and PERIMETER-GUARD Systems, and other systems so designated, are designed to meet OSHA

and ANSI machine safety standards for point-of-operation guarding devices. No other Banner sensors or controls are designed to meet these standards,

and they must NOT be used as sensing devices for personnel protection.

Q85BW13 Series 24-240V ac/12-240V dc


Specifications, Q85BW13 Series Sensors

Sensing range:

see individual sensor specifications (page 2).

Sensing beam:

see individual sensor specifications (page 2).

Supply voltage:

24 to 240V ac (50/60 Hz) or 12 to 240V dc (2 watts

maximum). No polarity for power supply hookup.

Outputs (all models except emitters)


Opto-isolated SPST solid-state switch.

Maximum ratings: 250V ac, 250V dc, 300 mA.

Output saturation voltage: 3V at 300 mA, 2V at 15 mA.

Output leakage curent: <50 microamps.

Inrush current: 1 amp for 20 milliseconds, non-repetetive.

This output is not short-circuit protected.

Exercise care when making wiring connections.

All sensors are protected against false pulse on power-up: false pulse

protection circuit causes a 100 millisecond delay on power-up.

Models are available with either ON/OFF output or 8 switch-selectable

output timing functions ("T9" model suffix); see page 2.

Adjustments (all models except emitters):



control potentiometer, accessible beneath the

ABS wiring chamber cover. Timing logic (for T9 models ) is configured

at a DIP switch. Pulse length and delay are set by a single-turn potenti-

ometer (under the wiring chamber cover). The adjustable time range

for both functions is 0.1 to 5 seconds; both functions are automatically

set to the same value. All models have a light/dark operate switch.

Response Time and Repeatability

are independent of signal

strength. See specifications under individual model listings, page 2.

Status Indicators (all models except emitters):

LEDs, one red and one yellow, both top-mounted. Red AID™ (Align-

ment Indicating Device system, US patent #4356393) indicator LED

lights whenever the sensor "sees" its own modulated light source,

and pulses at a rate proportional to the strength of the received light


Yellow indicator lights whenever the sensor's output is conducting.


Yellow Cycolac


ABS housing, plated steel hardware. Acrylic lens.

ABS cover for wiring/adjustments access. Rated NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3S, 4,

4X, 6, 6P, 12, and 13; IEC IP67. It is the customer's responsibility to

maintain NEMA 6P integrity at the conduit entrance(s) in use. Maximum

wire size (for connection to wiring terminals) is #14 AWG.

Operating temperature range:

-25° to +55°C (-13° to +131°F).

Maximum relative humidity:

90% at 50°C (non-condensing).






Economical sensors in rugged, NEMA-6P (IEC IP67)



ABS housings; for 24-240V ac or 12-240V dc

Models for polarized retroreflective, short-range and

long-range diffuse, and opposed sensing modes
Opto-isolated SPST solid-state output, light and dark

operate; on/off output or programmable timing logic
Output switches up to 250V ac, 250V dc, 300 mA max.
Wiring chamber with two conduit entrances
Indicators for OUTPUT ON & LIGHT SENSED (all

models have Banner's patented* AID

signal strength

indicator system)


Series sensor

(T9 model) with

cover removed

Q85BW13 Series sensors are compact, economical, photoelectric

sensors in rugged NEMA-6P rated ABS housings. They are ideally

suited to conveyor control and similar applications. The timing logic

functions offered in the "T9" models provide additional control

capabilities over and above the ON/OFF (no delay) function of the

basic models. Q85 sensors have a convenient wiring chamber with

two conduit entrances for ease of connection and mounting.
Polarized retroreflective, short-range and long-range diffuse, and

opposed mode models are offered. See individual model descrip-

tions, gain curves, and beam patterns, page 2.
Q85BW13 Series sensors operate from 12-240V dc or 24-240V

ac . All models have an optically-isolated SPST solid-state output

capable of switching up to 250V ac, 250V dc, 300 mA maximum.

All models are switch-selectable for either light-operate or dark-

operate output.
These sensors are available with a choice of either ON/OFF output

or programmable timing output logic models. Programmable timing

logic ("T9") models provide eight switch-selectable logic functions:

ON/OFF (no delay), ON delay, OFF delay, ON/OFF delay, one-shot

(pulse), on-delayed one-shot, limit timer, and on-delayed limit timer.

The adjustable time range for delay functions and pulse length is

0.1 to 5 seconds. All models have a SENSITIVITY control for

precise adjustment of sensing gain.
Two top-mounted LED indicators are visible through a window

in the wiring chamber's gasketed cover. The red AID™ indicator

lights whenever the sensor "sees" its modulated light source, and

pulses at a rate proportional to the strength of the received light

signal. The yellow output indicator lights whenever the sensor's

output conducts.
Q85 sensors have rugged yellow Cycolac


ABS housings with

ultrasonically-welded acrylic lenses. A gasketed ABS cover pro-

tects the wiring chamber and the timing and sensitivity adjustment

controls inside. Two 1/2-14 NPSM conduit entrances are provided,

and a plug and gasket are included for sealing of a possible unused

entrance. Q85 Series sensors are rated NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3S, 4, 4X,

6, 6P, 12, and 13 (IEC IP67). An 11-gauge plated steel mounting

bracket and two plated mounting bolts and nuts (photo above and

drawing, page 3) are included.

NOTE: Cycolac


is a registered trademark of

General Electric Co..