Metrohm TitrIC 4 User Manual
Metrohm Equipment

Application Bulletin 318 e
Installation Instructions of TitrIC 4
The TitrIC 4 System is used for the fully automatic analysis of water samples using direct measurement,
titration and ion chromatography. The following parameters are determined in a very short time:
temperature, conductivity, pH, acid capacity, calcium, magnesium, total hardness and, in parallel, the
concentrations of the individual anions. Further Metrohm instruments can be incorporated in the existing
system at any time and used to measure additional parameters.
Analytical sequence
1. Conductivity is measured in the sample vessel on the sample processor.
2. First sample transfer to the 881 Compact IC pro.
3. The IC anion determination is started automatically.
4. Second sample transfer to the external titration cell of the 815 Robotic USB Sample
Processor XL.
5. Temperature, pH and acid capacity (p and m values) calcium, magnesium and total hardness
are determined.
The whole procedure is controlled by the TitrIC software: The user enters the sample position and
sample identification, IC system and tiamo
method, after which TitrIC transfers all the relevant
information to tiamo
and MagIC Net. When the measurement has been concluded, TitrIC
automatically generates a joint report containing all results. This report can be printed out or exported
as an Excel file.