Dulce Systems Duo Quad User Manual
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Quad & Duo Quad Installation and User’s Manual
Alarm Conditions / Degraded RAID Set
There are two possible sources for alarms: one from the drive enclosure, the
other from the RAID Controller installed inside the computer.
Enclosure Alarms
(Audible and red indicators):
• Temperature (enclosure detected over
heating condition)
• Fan (enclosure cooling fan not operational,
could lead to over heating)
Mute Alarm: Enclosure audible alarm can be muted
by pressing the green mute button above the
indicators, the red indicator remains on until the
condition is corrected.
RAID Controller Alarm
(Audible and RAID Console GUI indicator):
• Degraded RAID Set (one or more drives not detected
or down)
• Temperature (RAID Controller detected over heating)
Mute Alarm: RAID Controller Alarm can be muted by
the RAID Console. Start the RAID Console GUI, go
to System Controls > View Event / Mute Beeper.
The Systems Event Information screen provides a log of events which triggered
the alarm. The example below shows the RAID Set is degraded because IDE
Channel 4 (drive 4) was removed.
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Quad & Duo Quad Installation and User’s Manual
Replacing a Drive Module
A defective drive module can be easily replaced. Hot swapping is allowed
without interruption to your workflow if the RAID is operating in one of the drive
redundant RAID mode (1,3,5,6).
In a redundant RAID mode, rebuild will start automatically after replacement of a
defective module.
• Pull the lock left to unlock the latch.
• Pull latch forward and right to move the module out.