Calculated Industries 3088 User Manual

Page 9

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Fraction Bar — This definition key is
used to define and enter fractions.
Fractions can be both proper (1 or less
— 1/2, 1/8, 1/16) or improper (greater
than 1 — 3/2, 65/64). You enter a
fraction by first entering the
numerator (the part of the fraction
that is above the line) then the [/]
and the denominator (the part below
the line).

For example: To enter 1/2, the key se-
quence would be 1 [/] 2.

[Bd Ft]

Board Feet — This key is an entry
and conversion key for board feet
units of measure. A board foot is a
cubic measurement equal to 144
cubic inches. The entry can be a
whole number or a decimal number.
It will also convert any other dis-
played cubic dimensioned number
to board feet when used in conjunc-
tion with the [Conv] key.*


Per-Unit — This key is used to
enter the per-unit dollar cost of a
dimensioned value. For example, if
you calculated 35 cubic yards of
concrete, and each yard cost $47,
you would use this key with the
times [x] key as follows:

35 [Cu] [Yds] [x] 47 [Per] [=] $1645

* In order to get a proper conversion, you must convert
from a cubic dimension.

User’s Guide — 9