Calculated Industries 3088 User Manual
Page 12

— Is used to find an
adjacent 45° Hip or Valley rafter off
of a Common rafter. You first solve
for the Common rafter (diagonal)
using either both legs (Rise and
Run) or one leg and the Pitch. You
then press this key to find the adja-
cent Hip or Valley rafter lengths.
To find an “irregular”
Hip/Valley (where
the Pitch on both sides is not the
same), simply
enter the other roof side’s Pitch
directly into the
[Hip/V] key. (For
example, enter 9 [Inch] [Hip/V]
or [.] 75 [Hip/V]*). The calculator
will then display
the length of the “irregular” Hip/Valley rafter.
Calculates jack rafters for regular* *
45° Hip/Valley rafters based on the
entry, or previously stored value of
the o.c. (on-center) distance in
inches, the Pitch, and leg (Rise, or
Run). Subsequent presses of [Jack]
will display the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
jacks until no more remain, and the
calculator will then display “0.”
The default
for o.c. is 16 inches, which
will remain permanently stored until an entry
replaces it. To set the o.c. to other than 16 inches,
simply enter the
number (calculator will auto-
matically assume inches),
and immediately press
the [Jack] key (ex. 18 [Jack]). To recall
what is
stored, press [Rcl] [Jack] at any time.
* As noted previously, while entering 9 [Inch][Hip/V] is the
same as entering [.] 75 [Hip/V], entering 9 [Hip/V] without
dimensions will give you the equivalent of 108 inches of Pitch,
and you should therefore use caution when using non-dimensioned
Pitch values.
** The built-in Jack rafter function provides jack rafter lengths
only for regular (45°) Hip/Valley rafters (as jack rafter “pairs”
for irregular (non 45°) Hip/Valleys are of unequal lengths).
12 — Construction Master III