Linear measurements — window trim (multiple units), Area calculations area of a rectangle – Calculated Industries 3088 User Manual

Page 23

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Linear Measurements —
Window Trim (Multiple Units)

You’re going to have four front windows all

of which measure 4 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 2
inches. How much window trim will you need to
purchase — allowing 20% for cutting and waste?



Clear calculator

[On/C] [On/C]

Multiply length by 2

4 [Feet] 4 [Inch]

[x] 2 [=] 8 FT 8 IN

Store in Memory


Multiply width by 2

3 [Feet] 2 [Inch]

[x] 2 [=] 6 FT 4 IN

Add into Memory and

recall total for
one window

[M+] [Rcl] [Rcl] 15 FT 0 IN

Multiply by 4

[x] 4 [=] 60 FT 0 IN

Add 20% for waste

[+] 20 [%]

Answer: 72 FT 0 IN


Area of a Rectangle

What is the area of a room measuring 12 feet 6

inches by 15 feet 8 inches?



Clear calculator

[On/C] [On/C]

Enter length of room

12 [Feet] 6 [Inch]

Mult. by width

[x] 15 [Feet] 8 [Inch] [=]

Answer: 195.8333 SQ FT *

* NOTE: Square and cubic answers are always expressed in
a decimal format.

User’s Guide — 23