Calculated Industries 3088 User Manual

Page 6

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[Conv] [ x ]

All-Clear, full-reset function
clears Memory and resets all
registers (Jack, Stair, & Frac-
tions) to their default values.

[Conv] [ + ]

Pi (


) constant = 3.141593.

[Conv] [ – ]

Change sign. Can also be
used to subtract a number
from the semi-permanent
Memory (replaces M-).

[Conv] [ M+ ]

Replaces the value stored in
Memory with the value on
the display.

[Conv] [ * ]

Fraction Set — This key is
used to semi-permanently set
up the default fractional for-
mat of all your answers.**
This preference setting is
cleared by (1) Performing an
All-Clear [Conv][x], or (2)
Replacing it with another
preferred fractional setting,
or (3) By entering a fraction
with a smaller denominator
than your preferred setting.* * *

* Pressing [Conv], followed by any of the numbers 2, 4, 8, 1,
3, 6 will set the fraction. Entries other than these will not
change the fraction display.

** This will be the smallest denominator displayed. If,
however, the lowest common denominator is larger than
your preferred setting, the calculator will display this

*** Upon turning the unit "On," the "fs" symbol will appear
once to indicate a setting other than 1/64ths. If you are
unsure what base was last used, do an All-Clear.

6 — Construction Master III
