Entering dimensions linear dimensions – Calculated Industries 4094 User Guide User Manual

Page 11

background image






— 9

(repeats options)


Third press of  :

(Volume displays)

vol Std.

vol 0. cu fEET

vol 0. cu m

(repeats options)

vol Std.

Fourth press of  :

(Meter Linear displays)

mETR 0.000 m

(floating point)

mETR floAt m

(repeats options)

mETR 0.000 m

Fifth press of  :

(Decimal Degree displays)

DEG 0.00º

(floating point)

DEG floAt

(repeats options)

DEG 0.00º

Sixth press of  :

(Fractional mode)

fRAc Std.

fRAc conSt.

(repeats options)

fRAc Std.

Seventh press of  :

(Mathematical Operation)

mATh ordEr

mATh chA1n

(repeats options)

mATh ordEr

EnTERinG dimEnSionS

linear Dimensions

When entering feet-inch values, enter dimensions from largest

to smallest — feet before inches, inches before fractions. Enter

fractions by entering the numerator (top number), pressing 

(Fraction Bar key) and then the denominator (bottom number).

Note: If a denominator is not entered, the fractional setting

value is used.