Bird Technologies 4308 User Manual

Page 4

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Safety Symbols


Warning notes call attention to a procedure which, if not correctly performed,

could result in personal injury.


Caution notes call attention to a procedure which, if not correctly performed, could

result in damage to the instrument.

This symbol appears on the equipment indicating there is important information
in the instruction manual regarding that particular area.


Note: Calls attention to supplemental information.

4308 Warning Statement

The following safety warning appears in the text where there is danger to operating and
maintenance personnel and is repeated here for emphasis.


Leaking RF energy is a potential health hazard. Never attempt to connect or

disconnect equipment from the transmission line while RF power is being applied.

Severe burns, electrical shock, or death can occur.

4308 Caution Statement

The following equipment caution appears in the text whenever the equipment is in danger
of damage and is repeated here for emphasis.


Do not drop the Thruline Wattmeter equipment or submit it to hard blows. The

voltmeter circuitry or microammeter, even though it is shock mounted, may be

damaged by severe impact.

Bird Model 4308 Thruline Wattmeter