Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems WINGMAN ADVANCED SD User Manual
Page 21

Table of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), Causes and Recommended Actions (4.3)
162 - DTC showing a problem in the interface of
the Wingman Advanced brake system
Possible causes:
• One or more components within the Bendix
or ESP
stability system have active trouble codes that
need to be diagnosed and corrected. In this case, inspect
the vehicle's mechanical and pneumatic brake system for
proper operation. Correct the issues found in the Bendix
systems and clear all trouble codes before
proceeding to the Wingman Advanced system.
• The controller is recognizing that there are components
installed that have part numbers incompatible with the
current system con
guration. (For example, when a
technician attempts to install a more recent radar sensor
onto a vehicle with an earlier Wingman Advanced or ACB
system.) Contact the dealer or call the Bendix Tech Team
at 1-800-AIR-BRAKE for the correct part number to use, or
the re-programming steps to take for the newer part number
to be accepted.
After addressing the possible causes:
• Clear the Bendix
system DTCs using
the procedure in Section 4.4: Clearing Diagnostic Trouble
Codes (DTCs)
• If the error returns, call the Bendix Tech Team for assistance
at 1-800-AIR-BRAKE.
164 - Wingman Advanced braking overuse
Possible causes:
The system was used improperly, such as on grades.
Review the following sections:
Section 1.08: Alerts and
Warnings (Brake Overuse Alert description), also Appendix B7.0
Perform the following:
• Check engine, and engine retarder trouble codes.
• Clear the Wingman Advanced trouble codes using the procedure
in Section 4.4: Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).
• If the error returns, call the Bendix Tech Team for assistance
at 1-800-AIR-BRAKE.
186 – J1939 Outside air temperature signal not
available or signal in error.
(This trouble code alone will not cause
Wingman Advanced to disable. The heater
on the lens of the radar sensor will not
operate and will not prevent ice or snow
build up. The radar sensor may become
blocked and then Wingman Advanced will
disable, logging a trouble code 201.)
Review the following sections:
• 4.6: J1939 Serial Data Communications Link
• 4.7: J1939 Engine Communications Test
• 4.8: J1939 Troubleshooting Procedure Wiring Harnesses
• Diagnostic Trouble Code 201 in Table 6
Perform the following:
Check for loss of data communications.
• Check for damaged or reversed J1939 wiring.
• Check for damaged or corroded connectors.
• Check for other devices inhibiting J1939 communications.
• With the power off, check the resistance across connector pins
(60 ohm) J1939.
• Check the reverse polarity of J1939 communications circuits at
engine, ABS, and radar sensor and at harness interconnections.
• Check the source of the signal for why the signal has an error.
• Check engine, and vehicle for trouble codes using the
manufacturers diagnostic procedures. The engine, or a vehicle
controller may be the sources of the signals. If the signal is in
error, then the issue is from the radar sensor input to one of
these controllers.
Clear the Wingman Advanced trouble codes using the procedure in
Section 4.4: Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes.
If the error returns, call the Bendix Tech Team for assistance at
(PAGES 19-22)