Bally Refrigerated Boxes Walk-In Installation Manual User Manual
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UPDATED: 6/2014
Instruction Manual IM-268-11 2014© Bally Refrigerated Boxes, Inc. 2
Miscellaneous Box #1 with the orange sticker
contains all the information you will need.
• Before attempting to install the Bally Walk-In, review these instructions and any others supplied with
the shipment.
• For future reference, make sure there is a record of the original order number and a list of all serial
numbers for the Walk-In and refrigeration systems.
• A plan view showing the proper layout of panels is enclosed with other documents as well as this
manual. Make sure you are using the “As-Built” drawings as opposed to any previously supplied
“Proposal” drawings.
Before placing any panel into position, check the plan view for location.
1. Installation Preparation
A. When the building is delivered, make sure you have the right equipment and manpower on hand to unload the truck. A forklift or
high jack can be helpful if the shipment includes heavy steel or refrigeration equipment. The carrier typically imposes time
constraints on unloading your box, and in all situations one person is not enough.
B. As you are unloading look for any freight damage; all products left our factory in perfect condition. Once the Bill of Landing was
signed by the carrier, safe delivery became their responsibility and the equipment became your property. Check the packing list
and make sure that all component parts are accounted for. Before signing the Bill of Landing, inspect all items. If any damage is
noted or the number of pieces received does not agree with the invoice, do not accept shipment without notation by the carrier’s
agent on the Freight Bill. If damage or shortage is discovered when unpacking leave material and request an inspection by the
carrier. Keep all documents and information so you can file you claim properly with the carrier. The Bill of Landing, Freight Bill, and
the original invoice, are needed to file a claim, and must be filed within one week of the date of shipment.
C. Use extreme caution when unpacking to prevent damage to panels and other equipment. Pay close attention to hardware affixed
to the door and door-frame. Do not lift the door by its Hardware or the Light Base. Do not drop panels or slide over unfinished
surfaces. Keep panels dry and out of direct sunlight.
D. The protective plastic coating on the panels may be removed before or after the installation depending on the timing of
construction schedules. The protective plastic on the bottom of the floor panels must be removed prior to setting the floors in
place. In all cases,
ALL plastic must be removed before the final completion of the installation. This includes all unexposed areas and
all surfaces under membrane roofs.
E. The most important requirement for installation of this Walk-In is to have a level floor. If the floor is level the process will be very
smooth. Otherwise, it’s impossible to make sure that the panels will align correctly and be plumb and level. Use a laser level or
transit to identify the high spots on the floor. Whenever Walk-Ins are to be installed where concrete is curing or tile is being set, it is
important to provide adequate ventilation. Concrete and tile grout release hydrogen while curing, which can damage the panel
finishes, especially any type of Aluminum finish.
For immediate service, call Bally’s Parts and Service Hotline toll-free: 1-800-344-9302
Bally identifies panels with
barcode labels that specify:
a. Panel type:
FLR- Floor
CLG- Ceiling
V- Vertical
VC- Vertical corner
BKR- Breaker
b. Panel dimensions
c. Panel finishes
Listed Exterior/Interior
d. Bally Part# and Serial#