About this guide, Audience – Autocue QMaster and WinCue Pro News AP ENPS User Manual

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About this guide

The WinCue prompting solution has been designed for general production and

prompting; its features include Runorder management, simultaneous prompt and

edit, and script timings calculation. WinCue can also be used to connect to

networked newsroom systems, by doing this WinCue is able to open scripts from

the newsroom system and then prompt them. This user guide has been produced

to explain to you how to set-up and use WinCue Pro News with the AP ENPS

newsroom system.


This guide is for all users of the WinCue Pro News AP ENPS prompting software. From

complete WinCue novices to experts, this guide should be useful to all, providing a

quick reference for experts and step-by-step help for novices. The pre-requisites to
using this guide is that you should be familiar with the Microsoft


environment, in particular that of Microsoft

Word and that you are.