Support learn more – 3D Robotics IRIS User Manual

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Learn More

Visit to learn about:


Opening the shell


Replacing the arms and motors


Connecting and calibrating an RC system


Installing software


Planning a mission


Updating firmware


LED meanings and tones

Visit to learn about:


Additional flight modes


Configuring parameters, including yaw behavior during

autonomous flight, descent speed during RTL, and more

Visit (Mission Planner) and (APM Planner) to learn about:


Planning a mission with waypoints and events


Using a ground station to command IRIS in flight


Downloading and analyzing flight logs

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For customer support, contact us at

[email protected]

or call our support line at

+1 (858) 225-1414

Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm, PST.

Iris Operation Manual V6 | ©3D Robotics, Inc. | 9 April 2014