Vicor Full-chip PRM-RS Customer Board User Manual

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Applications Engineering: 800 927.9474

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12. Output Voltage Trim Pot (R


): 11 turn trim pot adjusts the output voltage by increasing or

decreasing the error amplifier reference voltage (V


). Turn clockwise to increase the output

voltage, and counterclockwise to decrease the output voltage. Adjustment slot is
1.5 mm (L) x 0.6 mm (W).

13. High Side Current Sense Circuit (R


, Q


): Current sense shunt and IC monitor the output

current and provide feedback to the IF pin for current limit protection. Gain is typically 200
mV/A, and is set for appropriate current limit set point. IF signal can be monitored at the
Signal Test Point Header (#6) to provide approximate output current measurement, but should
not be used if accurate output current measurements are required (<10% error). Efficiency
measurements should always be performed using an external calibrated shunt.

14. Output Inductor (L01): 0.4 uH inductor provides high AC impedance between PRM





modules (when used) to prevent high- frequency switching currents from circulating

between devices.

15. Voltage Sense and Error Amplifier (U09A, U09B): Dual op amp provides voltage sensing and

error amplifier function. The customer board is nominally configured for local voltage sensing
at the PRM regulator output. U09B can be re-configured as a differential amplifier to allow for
non-isolated remote sensing at the VTM module output or load. This requires rework as
described in Section 8.3.

16. Push Pin Heat Sink and Grounding Clip Mounting Holes: Use these holes for installing the

optional push pin heat sink and grounding clips included with the board.
Use of a heat sink is highly recommended for appropriate cooling of the PRM regulator.

3.2 Test Points

In addition to the Signal Test Point Headers (#6, #7), there are a number of surface mount test
points on the board with the following functions.

1. V


, V


(TP01, TP03): Input voltage test points provide Kelvin connections to the input

leads. Use these test points for measuring the input voltage to avoid error due to interconnect

2. V


, V


(TP04, TP05): Output voltage test points provide Kelvin connections to the

output leads. Use these test points for measuring the output voltage to avoid error due to
interconnect losses.

3. Signal Ground (TP01): Signal Ground (SG) test point is the ground reference for all control


4. VS+, VS- (TP10, TP11): +/- sense inputs to the differential amplifier when remote sense is

implemented. When used with a VTM Customer Board, the sense leads may be wired to the
VTM module output voltage through X03 depending on which VTM board is used. If not, a
twisted pair of wires can be used to connect sense leads to the VTM board output from these
test points.