Components – UVP EpiChemi II Darkroom User Manual
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The EpiChemi II Darkroom is comprised of:
Darkroom Cabinet
The EpiChemi II Darkroom is manufactured of stainless
steel construction and fabricated to provide a light-tight
chamber. The darkroom is ready to go with connections to
a wall outlet, the camera, mount and transilluminator.
Filter Wheel
The five-position filter wheel is designed for viewing many
fluorescent and visible color stains. Rotate the dial to de-
sired filter as required for you application. The filter wheel is
securely mounted into the darkroom for a clean, protected
EC2 Darkroom Filter Performance
Gel Viewer
The viewer opens for safe viewing of samples. The safety
glass allows viewing without exposure to ultraviolet radia-
Sample Platform
The sample platform folds down for placement of chemi
EpiChemi II Darkroom
Filter Wheel
Sample Platform and
Transilluminator Tray