UVP HybriCycler User Manual

Page 10

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HC-3000 HybriCycler Hybridization Oven




G+C = 45-55%

follow normal protocol

G+C < 45%

Lower salt and temperature

G+C > 55%

Raise salt and temperature

Evidence of probe target

Lower salt and temperature

Target and probe is
degraded on aqueous

Hybridize in a formamide-based buffer




Use less probe

Hybridize at lower salt/ higher temperature

Wash with lower salt higher temperature

Incubate with very low salt/change nuclease(solution)

Use a smaller probe or a different probe

Clean probe of contaminants prior to use

4: Aqueous or Denaturing Hybridization Buffer
If hybridization takes place in an aqueous salt environment of 0.8 to 1.2M salt,
the T

(the temperature at which the half of the duplex molecules will dissociate

under a given set of conditions) can be 90

°C. This is high enough to degrade

DNA, RNA and some proteins. It is therefore possible to add formamide as a
denaturing / temperature lowering agent because for every percent of formamide
in the reaction the T

is reduced by 0.65

°C. Therefore, at 80% formamide,

reactions can be performed in the 40 - 55

°C range. However the rate of

formamide-based hybridization is at least three-fold lower than that of aqueous
hybridization requiring longer incubations.

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