Bryant 548F User Manual
Page 40

Located on the outdoor liquid line is a low-pressure switch
which functions as a loss-of-charge switch. This switch con-
tains a Schrader core depressor. This switch opens at 7 psig
and closes at 22 psig. No adjustment is necessary. Refer to
Table 1.
Located on the “hair pin” end of the indoor coil is a bimetal
temperature sensing switch. This switch protects the indoor
coil from freeze-up due to lack of airflow. The switch opens at
30 F and closes at 45 F. No adjustment is necessary. Refer to
Table 1.
Amount of refrigerant charge is listed on unit nameplate
(also refer to Table 1).
Unit panels must be in place when unit is operating during
charging procedure. Unit must operate a minimum of
15 minutes before checking charge.
A. No Charge
Use standard evacuating techniques. After evacuating sys-
tem, weigh in the specified amount of refrigerant. (Refer to
Table 1.)
B. Low Charge Cooling
Use Cooling Charging Charts, Fig. 39-42. Vary refrigerant
until the conditions of the charts are met. Note that the
charging charts are different from type normally used.
Charts are based on charging the units to the correct super-
heat for the various operating conditions. Accurate pressure
gage and temperature sensing device are required. Do not
use mercury or small dial type thermometers because they
are not adequate for this type of measurement. Connect the
pressure gage to the service port on the suction line. Mount
the temperature sensing device on the suction line near the
compressor and insulate it so that outdoor ambient tempera-
ture does not affect the reading. Indoor-air cfm must be
within the normal operating range of the unit.
C. To Use Cooling Charging Charts
This method is to be used in Cooling mode only. Take the out-
door ambient temperature and read the suction pressure
gage. Refer to charts to determine what the suction tempera-
ture should be. If suction temperature is high, add refriger-
ant. If suction temperature is low, carefully recover some of
the charge. Recheck the suction pressure as charge is
Example: (Fig. 39)
Outdoor Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 F
Suction Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 psig
Suction Temperature should be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 F
(Suction Temperature may vary ± 5° F.)
D. Heating Mode Charge
Do not attempt to adjust charge by cooling methods while in
Heating mode. When charging is necessary in Heating mode,
recover refrigerant and weigh in according to unit data plate
refrigerant data.
Fig. 35 — Cleaning Outdoor Coil
Fig. 36 — Propping Up Top Panel
Fig. 37 — Separating Coil Sections
Fig. 38 — Outdoor-Fan Adjustment
036-060 AND
072 (208/230 v)
(460 v and 575 v)