Sensaphone fgd-0220 J Type Thermocouple_4-20mA Converter User Manual
Sensaphone, Remote monitoring solutions

J Type Thermocouple / 4-20mA Converter • FGD-0220
Installation Instructions
The thermocouple to 4-20mA converter is useful when you need to monitor very high or very low temperatures that can not be moni-
tored with a standard Sensaphone temperature sensor. Thermocouples are available in a variety of packages that may be perfectly
suited to your measuring application. The device can be used with any Sensaphone that supports 4-20mA inputs..
Described below is the correct way to wire your Thermocouple.
1. Connect the Positive (+) side of the J-Type thermocouple to the Terminal marked (6) on the FGD-0220
2. Connect the Negative (-) side of the J-Type thermocouple to the Terminal marked (7) on the FGD-0220
3. Connect The Sensaphone Positive (+) Input to the Terminal Marked (3) on the FGD-0220
4. Connect The Sensaphone Negative (-) Input to the Terminal Marked (4) on the FGD-0220
5. Connect the power supply FGD-0052 (or comparable power supply rated from 15-24vdc) positive (+) wire to the
Terminal marked (1) on the FGD-0220
6. Connect the Power Supply Negative (-) to the terminal marked (2) on the FGD-0220
7. Program the low and high table limits in the Sensaphone to -148° and 572°F or -100° and 300°C.
5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4
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