B&B Electronics 232XS5 User Manual
Five port expandable smart switch
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Chapter 1: Introduction - 1
- Chapter 2: Setup - 3
- Chapter 3: Smart Switch Operation - 7
- Chapter 4: Software - 15
- Appendix A: ASCII Character Codes - A-1
- Appendix B: Cable Charts - B-1
- Chart 1: IBM PC DB25 Connector to Master Port - B-1
- Chart 2: IBM PC DB9 Connector to Master Port - B-1
- Chart 3: Modern DB25 Connector Master Port - B-2
- Chart 4: IBM PC DB25 Connector to Ports A-E (DTE) - B-2
- Chart 5: IBM PC DB25 Connector to Ports A-E (DCE) - B-3
- Chart 6: IBM PC DB9 Connector to Ports A-E (DTE) - B-3
- Chart 7: IBM PC DB9 Connector to Ports A-E (DCE) - B-4
- Chart 8: IBM PC DB25 Connector to Ports A-E (DCE) - B-4
- Chart 9: IBM PC DB9 Connector to Ports A-E (DCE) - B-5