2 establishing a csd connection, 3 answering a csd connection, Establishing a csd connection – Robustel M1000 MP User Guide User Manual

Page 20: Answering a csd connection

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Robustel GoRugged M1000 MP User Guide

RT_UG_M1000 MP_v.1.0.0


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3.2.2 Establishing a CSD Connection

1. Start SecureCRT with default serial parameters 115200,8,n,1.
2. Type ATD <phone number> and press Enter to establish a CSD connection. (e.g. ATD 123456, in which 123456 is

the phone number.)

3. After remote side answering the CSD call, then the CSD connection has been established successfully.
4. To close the CSD connection, type +++. The modem will respond with OK to indicate that you have already

switched back to the command mode. It means you can enter AT commands again via SecureCRT.

5. Type ATH and press Enter to disconnect.


+++ is the escape sequence, and ATH is the hang-up command.
For international calls, the local international prefix does not need to be set, but does need to be replaced by

the + character. E.g., you would type ATD+86123456, in which +86 is the country code.

3.2.3 Answering a CSD Connection

1. When secureCRT displays the RING response, type ATA, and press Enter.