Getting started with dose viewer, Home tool bar overview – RaySafe i2 Dose Viewer User Manual

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RaySafe i2 dose viewer user manual – Using dose viewer



4 dose graph

view the dose history as a graph, see section “view dose graph” on
page 15.

5 dose table

view the dose history as a table, see section “view dose table” on
page 17.

gettIng StARted wItH doSe vIeweR


Do not connect the cradle to the computer unless dose viewer and the cradle driver are
installed on the computer.

follow the steps below to get started with dose viewer:

1. Start the dose viewer application.

2. Connect a cradle to your computer’s USb port.

3. Put a dosimeter in the cradle. within a few seconds, dose viewer will detect the dosimeter. this is indicated

at the top of the dose viewer window by a note “Connected to dosimeter 100001158”, where dosimeter
100001158 is an example of a dosimeter Id. dose viewer will start loading the dosimeter dose history. this
may take up to a few minutes. you can follow the progress on the progress bar at the bottom of the dose
viewer window.

Home tool bAR oveRvIew

Figure 3. Home tool bar

the home tool bar is where you find tools to navigate in dose graphs and dose tables.

the following items are available in the home tool bar:

Table 2. Navigation group – access tools for dose history navigation



Undo zoom button

move one step back in a sequence of zoom actions, showing the last
selected time range.