RaySafe i2 Dose Viewer User Manual
Page 11

RaySafe i2 dose viewer user manual – Using dose viewer
displayed name
the name that is displayed in the real time display online view.
Clinical role
one of doctor, nurse, technician or other.
A unique dosimeter serial number.
dosimeter position
one of head, torso, hand, belly, leg or other.
battery status
the dosimeter’s battery status:
• green: normal use.
• yellow: normal use.
• Red: the dosimeter needs to be replaced in 4-6 months at normal
• Crossed battery: there is no battery left. the dosimeter does
not measure radiation and will not communicate with real time
doSe InfoRmAtIon
Table 6. Dose information
Accumulated personal dose
the dosimeter’s total dose measured this year or since last dose history
reset, measured in Sv.
time of last reset.
Percentage of annual dose
the dosimeter’s accumulated annual dose measured this year or since
last manual dose history reset, measured in Sv.
dose Session 1 and 2
trip meter for dose values. the accumulated dose for a session since
last dose Session reset, measured in Sv. you can also reset these
values. See note below.
time of last reset.