Rotor_phasing, Reluctor_repositioning – Precision Turbo and Engine BigStuff3 GEN3 Powertrain Controller Ignition Setup Tutorial User Manual
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Rotor Phasing
Rotor phasing is important for regular OE ignition systems, but it is vital for high energy ignition
systems where the spark has to jump or arc from the rotor tip to the distributor cap terminal. MSD
distributors are designed with the rotor “in-phase” or aligned with the reluctor to work with their
ignition systems (e.g. 6A box). With Bigstuff3’s “delay back” ignition control strategy, having the
rotor in-phase with the reluctor will not allow the rotor to be “in-phase” with the distributor cap
terminal when peak power is being made. This out-of-phase condition causes the spark to jump back
from the tip of the rotor to the distributor cap terminal.
For example, at peak power, the maximum timing advance a forced induction engine is likely to
operate at is 20
BTDC. If the rotor is not properly aligned with the distributor cap terminal, at 20
advance, the spark will have to jump back, or worse, it could jump to the wrong distributor cap
terminal and cause damage to the engine.
The easiest solution to this problem is to use a cap and adjustable rotor or MSD’s “Cap-a-Dapt” kits,
which adapt a large, Ford style cap onto an MSD distributor. The best solution is to use MSD’s two
piece rotor allows the rotor tip to be adjusted so that it can be in alignment or “in-phase” with the cap
terminal when peak power is being made. The “Cap-A-Dapt” kits will install on most MSD Billet and
Pro-Billet Distributors (except the Ford FE, PN 8594).
MSD’s Cap-A-Dapt, Small Diameter Distributors - PN 8441
Cap-A-Dapt, Adjustable Rotor PN 8420
Reluctor Re-positioning
Elongated slots in the rotor allow
it to be adjusted or “phased” with
the distributor cap terminals
position cap,
no slots
MSD’s adjustable rotor may not provide enough range to successfully phase the rotor or the Cap-A-
Dapt system may not package with your engine configuration. The alternative is to use a two piece
rotor and reposition the reluctor on the distributor shaft. Doing so will ensure that the rotor and cap
terminals are aligned at peak power.