0 analyze data, 0 high-cycle fatigue load data analysis definition, Analyze data – MTS Fatigue Template User Manual

Page 61

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History shows minimum-maximum or peak-valley cycle data in relation to time or an index, such as a
data group, data point, or cycle number. The Y-axis presents data values and the X-axis presents index
values. You can select variables for the chart after the test is done.

Hysteresis shows the cyclic or group data produced during a test cycle. You can select variables for the
chart after the test is done.

Variable Array Chart shows all data points that are collected and calculated during each test cycle and
stored in arrays.

Data Acquisition shows data that was acquired during the test activity. A tab is available for each Data

7.4.0 Analyze Data High-Cycle Fatigue Load Data Analysis Definition

The template is preconfigured with an analysis definition that conforms to the analysis portion of the ASTM
standard. The analysis definition can be used to analyze the test run in either the Fatigue Analyzer or Fracture
Analyzer application and contains the following tables and charts.

Peak Valley Data Table

The Peak Valley Data by Cycles table contains the peak and valley values of each cycle:





Cycle Variables Table

The Cycle Variables table contains information about cycle variables. If the value is modified during analysis,
a check mark appears in the Modified column and the value in the Value column differs from the value in the
Original Value column. Modified values do not replace, change, or remove original test results data.

Variables Table

The Variables table contains information about test variables. If the value is modified during analysis, a check
mark appears in the Modified column and the value in the Value column differs from the value in the Original
Value column. The table includes:


Display Name




Original Value

MTS TestSuite 61

7.0 ASTM High-Cycle Fatigue (HCF) Load Test Template