MTS Fatigue Template User Manual

Page 101

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Original Value




Modified values do not replace, change, or remove original test results data.

Channels by Time

The Channels by Time table lists all data points collected in arrays during Data Acquisition activities. Click
the drop-down button to select the data acquisition activity. Specify the cycle by clicking on the Numeric or
Variable button and select one or more cycle numbers or variables. Arrays included by default include:

Cycle Index

Array Index

Running Time Array

Displacement Array

Load Array

Strain Array

Elastic Strain Array

Inelastic Strain Array

Stress Array

Stress Array with Ramp to Mean

Running Time Array with Ramp to Mean

Summary Data Table

The Summary Data table provides the final values of the variables defined in the Variable Editor. You can
change one or more values in this table and rerun the calculations in the same way described for the Analysis
Inputs table. After you refresh the values, the ones you modified have check marks in the Modified column.
The original test data is not lost and does not change.


The charts provide visual indicators of the data reported in the tables.

Strain Peak Valley chart shows the strain peak and valley for each cycle of the test.

Strain vs. Time chart shows changes in the strain during the test.

Load Peak Valley chart shows the load peak and valley for each cycle of the test.

Stress Peak Valley chart shows the stress peak and valley for each cycle of the test.

Stress vs. Time chart shows changes in the stress during the test.

First Cycle Modulus chart shows the modulus of the first cycle from the start point to the end point.

Stress vs. Strain chart shows traces of the stress in relation to strain for the first modulus cycle, the third
cycle, the stable cycle, and the last strain cycle.

MTS TestSuite 101

10.0 ASTM Trapezoidal Strain Template