Installation, 646 hydraulic grip lift points, Installation 33 – MTS Series 646 Hydraulic Collet Grips User Manual
Page 33: 646 hydraulic grip lift points 33

Series 646 Hydraulic Collet Grips
This section describes how to install and align the Series 646 Hydraulic Collet
About Axial Grip Installation 34
Axial Grip Installation Procedure 36
About Axial-Torsional Grip Installation 40
Axial Torsional Grip Installation Procedure 41
How to Preload the Spiral Washers 45
Grip Water Cooling Assembly Configurations for Servohydraulic Frames
Grip installation is dangerous because it occurs within the crush zone of the
force train while full hydraulic pressure is applied and actuator movement is
required during the installation.
Unexpected actuator movement can cause personal injury and damage to
the equipment.
Take every precaution to avoid unexpected actuator movement while installing the
646 Hydraulic Grip Lift Points
M10 X 1.5 5/8” DP
M10 X 1.5 5/8” DP
Two holes
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- Grip-Manual Bend Fixture-100 kN (2 pages)
- Grip-Manual Bollard-2 kN (2 pages)
- Grip-Manual Bollard-500 N (2 pages)
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- Compression Platen-100 kN-150mm (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-100 kN-200mm (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-20 kN (2 pages)
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- Compression Platen-20 kN-200mm (2 pages)
- Compression Platen-20 kN-SST (2 pages)
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- Compression Platen-500 N FYB502A (2 pages)
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- Scissor-Style-2 kN (2 pages)
- Scissor-Style-5 kN (2 pages)
- Screw-Style-5 kN (2 pages)
- Screw-Style-5 kN-SST (2 pages)
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- Bend Fixture-300 kN (2 pages)
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