MTS Series 249G2 Swivels User Manual
Page 31

Considerations For Superbolt Torquenuts
Series 249G2 Swivels
1. Following the sequence shown below, loosen every third jackbolt one-
eighth turn at a time. Repeat this process until all of the jackbolts can be
turned by hand. This will prevent a single jackbolt from bearing the entire
load of the Torquenut
2. After all the jackbolts have been loosened, loosen the Torquenut on the main
thread by turning the nut by hand or with a bar inserted between the
jackbolts (do not damage the threads of the jackbolts).
3. Ensure that none of the jackbolts protrude through the base of the
Torquenut, and that the surface of the Torquenut rests smoothly on the
hardened washer. Tighten the Torquenut on the main thread by turning the
nut by hand or with a bar inserted between the jackbolts (do not damage the
threads of the jackbolts).
4. After the backlash adjustment has been made, hand-tighten each jackbolt to
ensure even seating of the main thread.
5. Using the torque wrench, tighten the jackbolts in the same sequence they
were loosened. Torque in 34 N·m (25 ft-lbf) increments until all screws
reach 61 N·m (45 ft-lbf).
It will be necessary to torque each jackbolt several times, because the
preceding jackbolts will loosen as the subsequent jackbolts are torqued.
Using the same method, torque each jackbolt to a final clamping torque of
61 N·m (45 lbf·ft).