Mount installation – MotorGuide Saltwater User Manual
Page 24

5. If using rubber mounting isolators, drill each mounting hole with a
13 mm (0.5 in.) diameter drill bit.
NOTE: A rubber spacer or washer should be used between the base
of the mount and the boat mounting surface when the rubber isolators
are not used.
6. Insert the rubber mounting isolators into the drilled holes. Position
the wider side of the isolator toward the outside of the mount
7. Place the mount bracket on the isolators and align the holes. Install
the two longer screws into the front holes and the two shorter
screws into the rear holes. Tighten all of the mounting screws with
a Phillips screwdriver. Do not tighten the mounting screws with an
electric screwdriver.
NOTE: It is important that the bracket lies even against the isolators
before bolting it to the deck. If the mount is not even, it will bind as it is
bolted down making it difficult or impossible to unlatch. Once installed,
the latch pins should snap firmly into place and release easily with a
quick snap of the wrist and a light pull of the rope handle.
8. When the bracket is installed, it should fasten securely and evenly
with the latch pins and release with a light, quick, pull of the rope