Metal Sales Metal Roofing and Siding User Manual

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Application Manual


Effective Date 12/08


This manual provides recommended installation pro-
cedures to assist you in the proper installation of metal
roofing and wall panels on your house, shop, garage, or
other building. Specific applications procedures may vary
based on application conditions. This information provided
is for general application information only. Check with your
builder, project architect, or local building code authority
regarding specific requirements.

Required Tools:

• Metal Shears, nibblers, power shears or circular saw
with metal-cutting abrasive blade or metal cutting

• Saftey goggles and ear plugs

• Tape measure and chalk line

• Screw gun or drill (adjustable clutch recommended)




” and




” magnetic drill bits, phillips bits

• Gloves and protective clothing

• Saw horses

• Pop rivet gun

• Hammer

• Marking Pencils





1. Calculate length and quantities of panels using either
two or three foot wide panels.

2. Calculate the lineal feet of trim required and divide by
11.75 (using 12' trims) to get the quantity of trims. This will
give you a three inch overlap. If you are using 10' 6" trim,
divide lineal footage by 10.25.

3. Take the square footage of roofing or siding and multiply
by 1 to get the number of screws required.

4. Take the lineal footage of trims to get the number of
stitch screws required. Stitch screws are required 12" on
center. Example: 100' of trim = 100 stitch screws.

5. Always use 30# roofing felt (or a synthetic underlay-
ment approved for roofing applications) on both new and
re-roof projects. We strongly recommend the use of ms-HT
(ice and water shield) at valleys, skylight, chimneys, and
pitch breaks. In heavy snow country, take an extra step to
add ms-HT (ice and water shield) at the ridge/hips, eaves,
gables, endwall/sidewalls, and prow flashings.

6. Tape sealant (butyl or neoprene) mastic should be used
on Delta Rib panels in roof applications.

7. It is recommended that ms-HT is used on roof surfaces
with a slope less than 3:12.

8. Formed closures should be used at eave, ridge, end
wall, and pitch breaks. Hip and valley closure should be
used at hips, valleys, and other conditions where formed
closures will not fit properly.

9. When panel endlapping is required, overlap panels 6"
and use either butyl or neoprene tape sealant or silicone
caulk between panels.



