Optional accessories – Meade Instruments LX80 User Manual
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where the star’s position can be examined for tracking
errors with an illuminated reticle eyepiece; position
corrections can then be effected using AudioStar.
Piggyback Brackets: Piggyback photography is one
of the most popular and easiest ways to get started
in astrophotography. Attach your 35mm camera, with
its own 35mm-to-250mm lens, atop your LX80 in
equatorial mode, and guide the telescope the optional
APM Module. Wide-fi eld photos of the Milky Way
showing remarkable detail and clarity can be taken.
Dew Shields: In moist climates, water particles
suspended in the atmosphere may condense on the
front surface of the telescope’s correcting plate. This
dew formation may be inhibited to a signifi cant extent
by the addition of a dew shield, essentially an extension
tube attaching to the front-cell of the telescope.
#905 Variable Polarizer (1.25”): The #905 system
includes two polarizer fi lters mounted in a specially-
machined cell, for glare-reduction in observing the
Moon. Rotate the thumbscrew at the side of the unit
to achieve light transmission between 5% and 25% of
its original value. The #905 inserts into the diagonal
mirror of the telescope, followed by an eyepiece.
Universal Power Adapter: Permits powering from a
standard home (115v AC outlet).
Accessory Port Module (APM): Connects to LX80
via the AUX port on the telescope’s control panel. The
APM allows the LX80 user to attach and autoguide
with third-party CCD cameras utilizing an RS-232
Cigarette Lighter Adapter: Powering the LX80
telescope by means of an automobile cigarette
lighter plug.
Astrometric Eyepiece: A high-precision 3-element
achromatic eyepiece for a wide range of astronomical
measurements. Measure double star separations,
position angles, planetary diameters, lunar crater
diameters and so forth. Includes variable LED
illumination control and batteries.
More accessories will soon be available for your
LX80 model. To fi nd out more about these and other
accessories available for your telescope, check out
the Meade website at www.meade.com or contact your
local Meade dealer.
Optional Accessories