Audiostar handbox – Meade Instruments LX80 User Manual

Page 35

background image

Number Keys: Input digits 0 - 9 and changes

the slew speeds (see Slew Speeds, see

below). The “0” key also turns on and off the

red utility light on the top of the handbox.

Note: While the audio descriptions are playing,

the 7 and 9 keys adjust the speaker volume. Press

7 to decrease the volume. Press 9 to increase

the volume

Slew Speeds

LX80 has nine slew speeds that are directly

proportional to the sidereal rate (the rate at

which stars appear to drift across the sky)

and have been calculated to accomplish

specifi c functions. Pressing a Number key

changes the slew speed, which is shown for

about two seconds on AudioStar’s display.

To change the speed, press the

appropriate key shown below.

Nine available speeds are:

Number Key 1 =

Guide (0.25 arc-min/sec



Number Key 2 = 2x =

2x sidereal (0.5 arc-min/sec



Number Key 3 = 8x =

8x sidereal (2 arc-min/sec or


Number Key 4 = 16x =

16x sidereal (4 arc-min/sec



Number Key 5 = 64x =

64x sidereal (16 arc-min

sec or 0.27°/sec)

Number Key 6 = 128x = 30arc-min/sec or 0.5°/sec

Number Key 7 = 1.5° =

90arc-min/sec or 1.5°/sec

Number Key 8 = 3° =

180arc-min/sec or 3°/sec

Number Key 9 = Max = 270arc-min/sec or 4.5°/sec

Speeds 1, 2 or 3: Best used for fi ne centering of an

object in the fi eld of view of a higher power eyepiece,

such as a 12mm or a 9mm eyepiece.

Speeds 4, 5 or 6: Enables centering an object in the

fi eld of a low-to-moderate power eyepiece, such as the

standard 26mm.

Speeds 7 or 8: Best used for rough centering of an

object in the viewfi nder.

Speed 9: Moves the telescope quickly from one point

in the sky to another.

Scroll Keys: Accesses options within a selected

menu. The menu is displayed on the fi rst line of

the screen. Options within the menu are displayed,

one at a time, on the second line. Press the Scroll

keys to move through the options. Press and hold

a Scroll key to move quickly through the options.

The Scroll keys also scroll through the letters of

the alphabet and numerical digits.

Note: The Scroll Down key and the Down Arrow key

move forward through the alphabet and digits

(A to Z, 0 to 9). The Scroll Up key and the Up

Arrow key move backward (Z to A, 9 to 0).

Common symbols are also available in the list.

? Key: Accesses the “Help” fi le. “Help” provides

on-screen information on how to accomplish

whatever task is currently active.

Hold down the ? key and then follow the prompts

on the display to access details of AudioStar

functions in the Help feature. The Help system is

essentially an on-screen instruction manual.

If you have a question about an AudioStar


etc., hold down the ? key and follow the directions

that scroll on the second line of the LCD screen.

When a word appears in [brackets], press ENTER

to access the AudioStar Glossary. A defi nition or

more detailed information is displayed. Press

MODE to return to the scrolling AudioStar

Help display.


satisfi ed with the Help provided, press

MODE to return to the original screen and continue

with the chosen procedure.

Coil Cord Port: Plug one end of the AudioStar

coil cord into this port (Page 33, Fig 39, 9) located

at the bottom of the AudioStar handbox.

µ Coil Cord: Plug one end of the AudioStar coil

cord into the HBX port (Page 10, Fig 3, D) of the

computer control panel of the telescope and the

other end into the coil cord port.

¸ Serial Port: Plug a serial accessory (#505)

cable into AudioStar for updating functions such

as “Download” or “Clone”. See Page 43 for


AudioStar Handbox