Audiostar operation, Audiostar navigation exercise – Meade Instruments LX80 User Manual
Page 37

It is important to understand that menu selections are
set in a loop (Fig. 40). This means that pressing the
Scroll Down key (Page 33, Fig. 39, 7) cycles down
through all the available options within a given category,
then returns to the fi rst option. The Scroll Up key (Page
33, Fig. 39, 7) cycles up through the options in the
opposite order. Note that this capability is a quick way
to get to an option that is near the bottom of the list.
The following example demonstrates this capability.
To navigate to the “Select Item: Setup” menu option
when the “Select Item: Object” menu is displayed:
1. Press the Scroll Down key four times or the
Scroll Up key once.
The screen in Fig. 41 displays two lines of information.
The top line shows the current menu level. The second
line displays an option which may be selected within
that menu level. Some options are choices that select
the next menu level down. The Scroll keys move up
and down within the list of available options, showing
one option at a time.
When the desired option is displayed on the second
line, press the ENTER key to choose that option and
move down one menu level.
Press the MODE key to leave a level; e.g., the wrong
menu option is chosen.
Important Note: No matter how many levels
into AudioStar are traveled, each press of the
MODE key moves up a level, until the top level,
“Select Item”, is reached. Once in the Select
Item level, press MODE to return to the topmost
level, “Select Item: Object”.
AudioStar Navigation Exercise
To demonstrate how the AudioStar menu structure
works, the following exercise calculates Sunset time
so an evening observing session can be planned.
To Calculate Sunset time:
1. Press the MODE key several times, until “Select
Item: Object” is displayed.
2. Press the Scroll Down key once to display the
“Event” option in the “Select Item” menu.
3. Press the ENTER key to choose the “Event”
option and move down a level. “Event: Sunrise”
is displayed.
4. Press the Scroll Down key once to display the
“Sunset” option in the Event menu.
5. Press the ENTER key to choose the “Sunset”
option and move down another level.
6. AudioStar calculates the Sunset time based on
the current date, time, and location. AudioStar
then displays the results of the calculation.
7. Press MODE once to start moving back up
through the AudioStar levels. The fi rst level up
is the Event menu.
8. Press MODE again to move up another level.
This is the top level, “Select Item”.
9. Press MODE again to return to the starting
point of “Select Item: Object”.
AudioStar Operation
Fig. 40: The AudioStar Universe: The six primary
categories listed in the Select Item menu of
Figure 41: AudioStar Levels
Figure 42: Menus set in
AudioStar Operation