Pdf 12 – MAMAC Systems IP-PC-101-44-VDC User Manual

Page 13

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Email Alerts: If an email alert is desired on input # 1, please enable by clicking the radio
button. Enter the desired lower and upper values for the alert and click on the down arrow to
unable or disable the alert. For example, if you would like an email alert if the temperature goes
above 76°F and back to

Normal if it goes below 74°F; enter 74°F in the lower field and click

Alert Disabled, and enter 76°F in the upper field and click Alert Enabled. In order to filter
out false alarms, the input has to be in the alert state for more than one second (default) before
the Maverick sends out an alert email. If this filter time needs to be increased, click the down
arrow and pick the desired filter interval. If logging is enabled on this input and if the user
desires the Maverick to attach the log to the email, please click the

On radio button for Attach

Log field. Default is Off.

Email alert is now configured and if the sensor variable goes above the upper value in the above
example, an email alert will be transmitted to the email address(es) specified on the


Configuration page after the programmed filter interval has lapsed. A CSV log will also be
attached if the user has specified. Similarly, if the user desires the Maverick to send an email if
the sensor value goes below 74°F in the above example and returns to normal if above 76°F
(heating alert), just switch

Alert Disabled in the Lower Value to Alert Enabled and switch

Alert Enabled in the Upper Value to Alert Disabled.

Output Control: Any input can also do setpoint control on any output. To enable Output

Control click the down arrow to the desired output number. Default is 0, no control. In the
above example, if the user would like relay/output 1 (heat) to come on if the sensor value goes
below 74°F, enter

74.0 in the Lesser than or equal to field and click the down arrow and


Relay On. Next enter 76.0 in the Greater than or equal to field and click the down

arrow and pick

Relay Off. Control is programmed. If the sensor variable goes below 74°F,

output 1 will switch on and when the sensor value heats up to 76°F, the relay will switch off. In
this way, the user can define the deadband or hysteresis for each input independently.

On the other hand, if the user would like the above to cool if the sensor input goes above 76°F
and shut down cooling if the input goes below 74°F; just switch the

Relay On to Relay Off in


Lower Field and Relay Off to Relay On in the Greater Than field.


Save. Configure each sensor input. If no sensor is connected to an input, please leave

the values in all fields for that sensor at default.



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SECTION 2 - Sensor Inputs, Email Alert &

Setpoint Control Configuration