Lenze ECSEExxx User Manual
Page 98

Electrical installation
Control terminals
Switch-on sequence for the auxiliary relay
Overload of the charging connection in the power supply module
The controller enable for the axes may only take place when the
charging process of the DC bus is completed and the power supply
module is ready for operation.
Possible consequences:
Destruction of the power supply module
Protective measures:
Use of switching the central controller enable for the axes via the
inputs and outputs DI2 and DO1 of the power supply module
(see the following descriptions).
The switch-on sequence of the auxiliary relay (see Fig. 4-8) is as follows:
1. The digital input X6/DI1 (power supply enable) of the power supply
module is switched to HIGH by the higher-level control or by the operator.
The DC bus is charged.
2. The ready for operation output of the axis module (DO1) now switches
the X6/DI2 digital input (central controller enable) of the power supply
module via the relay .
In the default Lenze setting of the ECS axis modules, DO1 is set to
”ready”. ”Ready” is only present if a specified DC-bus voltage has been
3. The central controller enable for the axis module takes place via the
X6/DO1 output of the power supply module. The central controller enable
DO1 only switches if the charging process of the DC bus is completed AND
the X6/DI2 input is set.