Superlogic 2500 manual – Hydro-Logic SuperLogic 2500 User Manual
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SuperLogic 2500 Manual
System Flush and Performance Verifi caƟ on
Although SuperLogic 2500 systems are fully tested at the factory prior to shipping, it is recommended to fl ush and verify your
system’s performance on-site.
New membranes are shipped with a preserva ve that needs to be fl ushed out before use. Run the product line to drain while fl ush-
ing the system.
Fully open the brine/concentrate recircula on valve by turning the knob counterclockwise.
Turn on water supply to the unit and check for leaks at the pre fi lter housings and the feed connec ons.
Plug the system into a compa ble electrical outlet. CAUTION! THE SYSTEM WILL START and rapidly cycle, star ng and stop-
ping un l the membrane vessels are full of water and water starts fl owing out of the product and brine ports.
• A er the system has run for a few minutes to clear any air, turn the brine/concentrate recircula on valve clockwise
un l the “vessel in” pressure gauge reads 120 psi (8.3 bar).
Allow the system to fl ush for one hour with all water discharged to drain. Periodically check for leaks and
check the “vessel in” pressure gauge. It is likely that the vessel pressure will dri from 120 psi (8.3 bar) during the fl ushing.
If it does, turn brine/concentrate recircula on valve clockwise to increase pressure and counterclockwise to decrease
• The
recircula on valve will need to be adjusted when membranes are replaced or if there are seasonal changes in water
temperature that cause the pump pressure to dri by 10 psi or more.
The 120 psi pressure provides the best compromise of membrane performance and life me while maintaining pump and
motor longevity. The system can operate above 120 psi and up to a maximum of 150 psi. Inlet water temperature and TDS
can eff ect the fl ow rate of purifi ed water and in situa ons with low water temperatures and/or high TDS increased pressure
may be necessary to achieve desired fl ow rates of purifi ed water.
Performance Verifi caƟ on
Factory test data is supplied with the system. To ensure op mal performance, on-site data should be taken and compared to the fac-
tory test data. This data should be taken a er the system has been fl ushed for one hour. Some devia ons may be seen due to
diff erences in feed water TDS and temperature between the site and factory. If you have already connected the product line to the
tank, you will need to disconnect it to take product samples.
Flow Tests
Determine the fl ow rates for both product and brine. Put the product line into a container and measure the volume of water that
fl ows into it in one minute. Repeat the process with the brine (drain) line. These values should be in either gallons per minute or
milliliters per minute. Product fl ow rates (at 77°F, 25°C) should be within 15% of the produc on rates given in the system specifi ca-
Product to Brine/Concentrate RaƟ o
Compute the product to brine ra o by dividing the brine fl ow rate by the product fl ow rate. This ra o should be either 4:1 or 2:1
± 30%. The 30% varia on can be due to inlet water temperature being above or below 77 degrees ferenheit as well as inlet TDS be-
ing above or below 500 PPM.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) rejecƟ on
Using the TDS monitor, note the TDS in both the feed water and the product water.
Calculate percent rejec on using the formula: (Feed TDS-Product TDS) ÷ (Feed TDS) × 100 = % Rejec on
Rejec on should be 85% or be er. For example, where the feed TDS is 600 and the product TDS is 24, the
percent rejec on is: (600-24) ч 600 Ч 100 = 96%