Deckorators Deck Stones User Manual
Installation instructions

Installation Instructions
When installing deck stones, first spend time considering layout possibilities. The
size of each deck stone is approximately 16” square, and 1 1/8” thick with the joist
connector. Each deck stone is made from natural materials therefore and sizes may
vary slightly. Consider this when planning your layout. Allow 1/8” transition space
between the deck stone and any other decking material for expansion and contraction.
We recommend adding an additional joist connector where the different materials
meet. Make sure the deck is framed 16" on-center. Staggered solid blocking between
joists is necessary to ensure square and even joists. Staggered blocking should be
installed at 4-foot spacing intervals. Check to ensure deck frame is square; plane
down any crowns and shim where joist sags are unavoidable. Typically, one would
place the first row of deck stones down on the outside edge and work back toward
the house. This will ensure a full tile at the outside edge and eliminate a cut. There
are, however, many deck configurations that may result in starting in the middle or
at the house.
It is important to run string lines in both directions of the deck to ensure a straight
line and proper deck stone placement. The joist connector has built-in spacing tabs
that are designed to give the minimum spacing required. Additional spacing may be
necessary to achieve proper 16" on-center spacing.
Familiarize yourself with the joist connector and the deck stone panel, and how they
fit together. The ribs on the bottom of the deck stone panel must run from joist to
joist. There are three different functions available with the joist connector by making
field cuts. You will need to have a cutoff saw to accomplish the cuts necessary in
the next procedure. Starting in the center of the outside edge of the deck, take part
“B” (Figure #1) and place on the joist. Screw part “B” down to the joist. *NOTE* If
joist spacing is inconsistent and offset too far, it will need to have a 2x4 sister joist
installed underneath it to provide the proper support (Figure #2).
• Measuring Tape
• Pencil
• Power Drill
• String Line
• Rubber Mallet
• Exterior Construction Adhesive
(PL400 or Equivalent)
• Skill Saw with a Diamond Blade
or Tile Saw
• Outdoor Decking Screws –
#7 x 1 5/8”
Figure #3
Figure #4
Front of Deck
Side of Deck
Deck Stone
16" o.c.
Joist Plate
Wood Framing
Add an
(treated lumber)
nailer cleat to
allow the joist
plate to be
securely fastened
to the framing
member and
maintain 16"
o.c. spacing.
16" o.c.
Figure #2
Figure #4
Figure #1
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